Fondations Horizons Nouveaux


When it opened in 1996, the foundation had :
– Two medico-social and educational centers: the CNPP (Centre neuro psycho pédagogique) and the CRHV (Centre de réadaptation des handicapés visuels).
– An establishment and center for assistance through work(CAT).

Today, two (2) of the Foundation’s establishments have begun their pre-registration campaigns since May 15, 2024:TARII & WISI.


The name TARII means ” hope ” in the Téké language. Hope announces the ambition to bring out, support and develop everyone’s abilities, offering intellectually disabled children the chance to blossom in the same way as other children.
other children.

Formerly known as the Centre Neuro Psycho Pédagogique (CNPP), TARII is an establishment for young people aged 4 to 16 with psychomotor language delays, cerebral palsy, hearing impairments and pervasive developmental disorders. The establishment’s mission is to lead young people to the greatest possible autonomy by offering them multidisciplinary support adapted to their needs.


The WISI establishment, which means ” clarity ” in the Punu language, announces its ambition to be like a lighthouse in the night, bringing light and guiding young people towards a more autonomous and secure future. The WISI center prepares visually impaired young people for their entry into society with as high a degree of autonomy as possible, by facilitating access to knowledge, communication, relationships and mobility.

By offering individually-adapted means of compensation and accessibility, the center enables visually-impaired young people to attend school, as the specific needs of each individual are constantly taken into account. It ensures that each pupil has an appropriate and purposeful educational path, by referring to his or her Personalized Support Plan. Its aim is to make visually impaired young people responsible for their own future, by developing their independence of thought and action, and enabling them to integrate fully into society.

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